Sunday, February 1, 2015

CYBCYL Chapter 10 – Getting Unstuck: Cingulate System Prescriptions

How can one heal deep cingulate system problems?

First, I advise readers to determine if they may have a problem using Amen’s provided checklist in Chapter 9. Then start to follow the prescriptions below. You do not have to have a problem to use these prescriptions.

Cingulate System Prescription 1: Notice When You’re Stuck, Distract Yourself, and Come Back to the Problem Later. The first step is to be aware that you have a problem, especially with circular or looping thoughts. This is what can enable you to distract yourself from these (usually harmful) thoughts and then come back to them later. Just get up and literally do something else.

Cingulate System Prescription 2: Think Through Answers Before Automatically Saying No. -As previously mentioned, people with a cingulate system problem are very likely to be inflexible and unable to cooperate with other people. Therefore, it is vital that these people work to fix this problem. Amen suggests to take a deep breath, and during that deep breath, consider what saying no will mean. This is especially important when considering relationships with significant others.

Cingulate System Prescription 3: Write Out Options And Solutions When You Feel Stuck. This one, like the others, is very self-explanatory. First you have to write out the thought. Then make a list of things you can do about the worrying thought. Then finally make a list of things you cannot do about the worrying thought. This is a very simple technique that can help ease the tension.
These are only some of the main prescriptions that can help your cingulate system. The book delves into many others which involve making paradoxical requests and Amen’s own prayer that he calls the “serenity prayer.” Please try to buy this book and see for yourself.

I felt that this chapter was especially important since the cingulate system is responsible for common problems, many of which we have every day. Again, as I mentioned before, you don’t have to have a problem with the cingulate system to take advantage of Amen’s “prescriptions.” Many of these problems are extremely commonplace, and by following his techniques, you can still change your life. I also immediately thought about how many people I know fit the symptoms of having a problem in their cingulate system. From chapters 9 and this chapter, however, it is easy for people to recognize that first, they have a problem and second, they can fix it. In this way, I hope that many other chapter will continue this trend of identifying, attacking, and ultimately, improving problems in your brain and in your life.

All in all, this book is very unique in that it talk about how one can influence change in their behavior through. After a particular system in the brain is discussed, the subsequent chapter talks about how people can positively influence that system which essentially changes them for the better (hence the title “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life”).


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