this chapter, Amen emphasizes a technique he calls “total focus” to heal
prefrontal cortex problems. His prescriptions help emphasize this overarching
theme. Prescription 1: The One-Page Miracle. This rule requires one to
be very concrete with his or her goals and think deeply about what those goals
are. Then that person would have to take a sheet of paper and write down goals
under the following headings and subheadings: “Relationships” – Spouse/Lover,
Children, Extended Family, and friends ; “Work” – Current work goals, future
work goals, getting along with employer; “Money” – current financial goals, future
financial goals; “Myself” – body, mind, spirit, and interest goals. This
enables you to have something that essentially says, “These are the goals I
want to have for my life.”
second important pfc description (skipping a few) is to get organized; get
help when you need it. Having organizational skills is one of the most
important assets someone can have. However, it can also be very difficult to attain
if you don’t immediately have it. Unless you work at it. Some tips that Amen
provides for helping with organization are:
- Setting clear goals for your life (prescription 1)
- Devote some time every day for organization
- Prioritize your projects and tasks
- Create deadlines and enforce them strongly
- Keep “TO DO” lists (and possibly prioritize them as well)
- Break down overwhelming tasks into smaller ones
- Do your most unpleasant and/or hardest tasks first
- Use file folders if necessary to help with organization
prescriptions suggested in this chapter include but are not limited to: Playing
music while you work (such as Mozart), maintain proper nutrition for optimal
pfc activity, and audiovisual stimulation.
encourage book owners to study these other techniques in addition to
prescriptions 1 and 2 mentioned above. For all potential CYBCYL book owners, consider
buying this book just to study the prescriptions, because I believe that those
areas are where the book holds its true value. What I like about this book is
that even if you do not have a problem with a particular system
in your brain, it is still very helpful to study the prescriptions that Amen
outlines. For instance, the title of this chapter is ‘becoming focused.” Many
people without a problem in their pfc may still need more improvement in
concentration and other areas. And with the prescriptions outlined in these
specific chapters, they can potentially change their brains and change their
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