Saturday, January 31, 2015

CYBCYL Chapter 4 – Enhancing Positive Thought Patterns and Strengthening Connections: Deep Limbic System Prescriptions

How can one heal deep limbic system problems?

Deep Limbic System Prescription 1: Kill the ANTs – Depressed people view the world through a dim and gloomy scope. They harbor regret and look towards the future with anxiety and fearfulness. In this case, they suffer from ANTs or automatic negative thoughts. These can cause many to become depressed or think pessimistically. Some typical ANTs would be: “You don’t care about me” or “It’s your fault”. In order to heal this system, people must drive out the ANTs from their brain. Why? Because their thoughts are very real.

Deep Limbic System Prescription 2: Feed Your Anteater- You need to first notice ANTs and then crush them, making sure that they don’t influence your work and relationships. Whenever you see an ANT, make sure that you train yourself to recognize it and write it down. Most importantly, talk back to your ANTs. In doing so, you are essentially feeding your anteater.

Deep Limbic System Prescription 3: Surround Yourself With People Who Provide Positive Bonding. This one is very self-explanatory. In doing so, you can make it easier to have less ANTs and instead think positively. List the 10 people you spend the most time with. Make a note of how they support you and how you want to be supported more.

These are some of the main prescriptions that can help your deep limbic system. The book delves into many others which involve thinking about fond memories and surrounding yourself with good smells.

This book is very unique in that it talk about how one can influence change in their behavior through. After a particular system in the brain is discussed, the subsequent chapter talks about how people can positively influence that system which essentially changes them for the better (hence the title “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life”). I assume this will be the case for future parts of the brain discussed.

I felt that this chapter was especially important since the deep limbic system is responsible for some of the most basic functions of human expression. I immediately thought about how many people I know fit the symptoms of having a problem in their deem limbic system. With this chapter, however, it is easy for people to recognize that first, they have a problem and second, they can fix it. In this way, I hope that many other chapter will continue this trend of identifying, attacking, and ultimately, improving problems in your brain and in your life.


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